Criminal Law

Criminal Law

The Criminal Law team, consisting of experienced specialist lawyers, defends individuals and companies in all areas of economic and tax criminal law as well as in administrative offence proceedings related to economic and tax law. Our expertise covers all stages of proceedings, including appeals and compliance consultation. 

Our services include in particular: 

  • Individual defence:
    • Property offences (fraud, breach of trust) 

    • Insolvency criminal law 

    • Criminal law relating to corruption 

    • Customs criminal law 

    • Foreign trade criminal law 

    • Environmental criminal law 

    • Labour criminal law 

    • Medical criminal law 

    • Banking and capital market criminal law 

    • Antitrust offences law 

    • Money laundering criminal law 

  • Representation of corporate clients in criminal and administrative offence proceedings (§§ 30, 130 OWiG)
  • Consulting on potential asset confiscation threats
  • Assistance during search operations
  • Advice regarding non-criminal law risks and their avoidance (e.g. competition register)
  • Representation of companies as victims (filing of criminal complaints and accompanying initiated investigative procedures, including asserting claims for damages)
  • Witness assistance services
  • Representation in the appeal instances
  • Support and coordination of internal investigations at the corporate level to uncover legal violations, followed by representing the interests of the affected companies
  • Acting as an ombudsperson for companies
  • Individual defence in criminal tax proceedings and tax-related administrative offence proceedings 

  • Representation of companies in connection with the threat of corporate fines and a breach of supervisory duties (§§ 30, 130 OWiG) 

  • Support in tax corrections and subsequent notifications in close cooperation with the tax experts of BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft 

  • Self-disclosure counselling for tax evasion (§ 370 AO) and negligent tax evasion (§ 378 AO) 

  • Preventive criminal law advice to companies (especially regarding corruption and in cases of economic crises) 

  • Scientific assessment of planned commercial transactions from a criminal law perspective 

  • Assistance in the implementation of compliance management systems 

Contact us!

Andy Breitner

Dr. Andy Breitner

Lawyer | Certified criminal law specialist
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Jesko Trahms

Jesko Trahms

Lawyer | Certified criminal law specialist | Partner
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